In RNAWRE 1.0, we try to make it more powerful and convenient to be used. This help page is prepared for the online service. The RNAWRE 1.0 provides the browse, search, blast and statistic options.
1. Browse. Two simple ways have been provided for users to browse protein. Users can browse by organism or by modification type.
For 'Browse By Organism', users could browse the database by clicking the name on the left treeview.
For 'Browse By modification type', users could browse the database by clicking the name on the left treeview.
2. search. By using the search page, users can directly obtain the entries via protein, organism, modification, function. Fuzzy match was masterly applied to cover all query possibilities. The filter can greatly help users obtain entries which meet their needs among the massive proteins.
3. blast. Blast could be done after parameters selection. Each enzyme was built into a library. Please choose the appropriate database to blast for your submitted sequence.